Name: The File Chopper Version: 2.1 INSTALLATION/RUN The program consists of just one executable file, no installation, no DLLs or other supplementary files needed. Fits on one floppy and may be run directly from there. A batch file for the restoring of the original file may me created and used instead of the program. DESCRIPTION This program is designed for moving files between computers, where the files are too large to fit on one floppy, SuperDisk, SyQuest, in an e-mail, or whatever medium is used to transport the file. The program splits the original file into smaller ones of desirable sizes, and, of course, restores it later. These sizes can be chosen arbitrarily by the user, or the program may find out by itself how much space is available on the used medium. Therefore, you may use non-empty and even partly corrupted disks. Detailed help is available from inside the program, which can easily be printed out. SPECIAL FEATURES Each and every smaller file may be dedicated an own size if needed. Pre-defined sizes for most media. This list is fully editable by the user. The program remembers all input and uses these as default values next time. This includes file paths, chosen file sizes and even the position and size of the program's window. There is also the possibility to create a self-uniting batch file, that may be used instead of the program for restoring the big file. Using switches, it is possible to split files without having to see or use the program's window. This is valuable if one wants to automate file splitting. It's "multilingual"; using the "Language" menu you may switch between English, Swedish, and German. This list might be enlarged in the future. To fine-tune the speed you may specify how much memory that is allowed to be used for the splitting/restoring part of the program. STATUS/LICENSE/REGISTRATION Status: Freely distributable shareware. Shareware restrictions o Max 30 days of usage o Max file sizes: 5 MB License fee: US $12. On-line registration available as well as phone, fax, and regular mail. Most credit cards accepted as well as checks, bank transfer/wire and cash. CONTACT Author: Ulf Oreborn Company: Matex Data HB E-mail: Home Page: